
This document describes how to install the OSOAA and pyOSOAA software for Ubuntu 18.04 or greater with python 3.6 or greater.

OSOAA installation

To install OSOAA we first need to set up some previous software.

  1. We begin by installing the gfortran Fortran compiler and the Korn shell from the terminal by running
$ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt install gfortran ksh git make
  1. We then clone the OSOAA repository
$ git clone
  1. Once this is done we add the OSOAA_ROOT variable to the bash path by doing and sourcing it
$ echo 'export OSOAA_ROOT="FULL PATH TO OSOAA FOLDER"' >> ~/.bashrc

$ source ~/.bashrc
  1. We then create a folder to contain the object files in the OSOAA folder
$ mkdir $OSOAA_ROOT/obj
  1. Finally, we compile the OSOAA
$ make -f $OSOAA_ROOT/gen/Makefile_OSOAA.gfortran

pyOSOAA installation

  1. We first download and install miniconda with python 3.7 by doing
$ wget

$ bash

and following the onscreen instructions. Answer yes when the installer wants to add conda to the path. The do

$ source ~/.bashrc
  1. We then install the necessary python libraries
$ conda install numpy scipy matplotlib ipython
  1. Once python is installed and configured we clone or download the lastest pyOSOAA version
$ git clone
  1. We then go into the pyOSOAA folder and install it by running
$ python install

pyOSOAA test

We now will test pyOSOAA. To do this we open python session

$ python

and run

>>> import pyOSOAA
>>> pyOSOAA.test()

and obtain

OSOAA wrapper script by Francisco Nemiña

Inspired by Py6S wrapper by Robin Wilson

Using OSOAA located at /home/.../OSOAA_V1.5

Running OSOAA using a set of test parameters

The results are:

Expected result: 0.128266

Actual result: 0.128266

#### Results agree PyOSOAA is working correctly